- Download 8Week.sql file/database from this repo.
- Open MySQL WorkBench or any SQL Management Tool and Import the file/database
- Write SQL scripts to answer all questions below.
- Save, Export and rename the file to solution.sql Click to play : (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX4-YiXxTn0 )
- Add file solution.sql to the same repo
Imagine you have a table named "Customers" with columns for "customer_id" (number), "name" (text), and "city" (text). See the pre-populated Table found in the database above-named 8Week.sql. Write an SQL statement to add a new customer named "Alice Smith" living in "New York City" to the table.
There's a mistake in the "Customers" table. John Doe's city is listed as "New Yory City" instead of "New York City". How can you fix this mistake using an SQL statement?
Search for Customers: Write an SQL statement to find all customers who live in "Chicago".
Delete a Customer: While deleting data should be done with caution, let's practice removing a customer. Write an SQL statement to remove the customer with customer ID 1 (Bob Jones) from the table. Remember, deleting data is permanent.