
Deep Learning For Robot Agents On RLBench -- Work In Progress

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Learning On RLBench

Use RLBench to simulate/train robot agents. The robot agents will use Neural networks to run.

Relevant Modules


  • The Environment can be imported. Every environment takes an ActionMode and ObservationConfig which will help determine the inputs actions and the observations the environment will make.

  • Every Observation consists of the below data points which are captured in the demos.

    class Observation(object):
        """Storage for both visual and low-dimensional observations."""
        def __init__(self,
                    left_shoulder_rgb: np.ndarray,
                    left_shoulder_depth: np.ndarray,
                    left_shoulder_mask: np.ndarray,
                    right_shoulder_rgb: np.ndarray,
                    right_shoulder_depth: np.ndarray,
                    right_shoulder_mask: np.ndarray,
                    wrist_rgb: np.ndarray,
                    wrist_depth: np.ndarray,
                    wrist_mask: np.ndarray,
                    joint_velocities: np.ndarray,
                    joint_positions: np.ndarray,
                    joint_forces: np.ndarray,
                    gripper_open_amount: float,
                    gripper_pose: np.ndarray,
                    gripper_joint_positions: np.ndarray,
                    gripper_touch_forces: np.ndarray,
                    task_low_dim_state: np.ndarray):
  • Observations for an experiment can be configured using ObservationConfig.

    obs_config = ObservationConfig()
    obs_config.left_shoulder_camera.rgb = True
    obs_config.right_shoulder_camera.rgb = True
  • ArmActionMode.ABS_JOINT_VELOCITY helps specify the what the action will mean. More action Modes available here. This basically means that when U provide an action it will expect it to mean what is selected in ArmActionMode.

    from rlbench.environment import Environment
    from rlbench.action_modes import ArmActionMode, ActionMode
    action_mode = ActionMode(ArmActionMode.ABS_JOINT_VELOCITY)
    env = Environment(
        action_mode, DATASET, obs_config, False)
    # for obs_config refer to Tasks 


  • Every Environment consists of tasks which can use Different Robots to do different things.

    from rlbench.tasks import ReachTarget
    task = env.get_task(ReachTarget)
  • Every Task consists of a method called get_demos. The get_demos function will perform the Task and get the obs ervations which achieve the task.

    demos = task.get_demos(2, live_demos=True)  # -> List[List[Observation]] -> List[Observation] represents a individual Demonstration with every item in that List represnts a step in that Demonstration

Agent Setup

  • Use the models.Agent to create new agents that will implement data and observations from the environments.

    class LearningAgent():
        def __init__(self):
            self.learning_rate = None
            self.neural_network = None
            self.optimizer = None
            self.loss_function = None
            self.training_data = None
            self.logger = None
            self.input_state = None
            self.output_action = None
        def injest_demonstrations(self,demos:List[List[Observation]]):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def train_agent(self,epochs:int):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def predict_action(self, demonstration_episode:List[Observation]):
            This should Use model.eval() in Pytoch to do prediction for an action
            This is ment for using saved model
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def act(self,state:List[Observation]):
            This will be used by the RL agents and Learn from feadback from the environment. 
            This will let pytorch hold gradients when running the network. 
            raise NotImplementedError()
        def save_model(self,file_path):
            if not self.neural_network:
            torch.save(self.neural_network.state_dict(), file_path)
        def load_model(self,file_path):
            if not self.neural_network:
            # $ this will load a model from file path.
  • The deep_learning_rl.py file contains methods that can directly get demonstrations and for immitation learning. The file also contains a method(simulate_trained_agent) which takes a learned Agent and runs it in simulation without headless mode for quick evaluation of model.

  • Example of Dumb Agent Learning a Stupid Policy(state->neural net->action) from demostration can be found in the models.ImmitationLearning.

Observations / Available Data

Observation.joint_positions: The intrinsic position of a joint. This is a one-dimensional value: if the joint is revolute, the rotation angle is returned, if the joint is prismatic, the translation amount is returned, etc.

Running the Code

  1. Prerequisites PyRep and RLBench
    1. Run sh setup_pyrep_ubuntu18.04.sh on Ubuntu18.04 for installing PyRep + RLBench + Downloading the Dataset
  2. Running Immitation Learning Agent Training / Simulation:
    python run_learning.py
  3. Running Dataset Creator for RL bench to create dataset in /tmp/rlbench_datasets:
    python RLBench/tools/dataset_generator.py --tasks reach_target --episodes_per_task 2 --processes 2


  • Document Agents
  • Document Observations/Available data
  • Add Complete Package Install Scripts
  • Add More deep learning approaches for task based training for agents.