
FSL Anatomical Labels for MNI Vector/ROI


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FSL Anatomical Labels for MNI Vector/ROI. Mni2atlas takes an ROI or a vector of coordinates (both in the MNI space) and returns labels from different FSL atlases.

In VECTOR modality labels are returned in probability values (same results of FSL atlas tool).

In ROI modality the probability value reported for a label represents the frequency of that label in the roi for a given threshold of the FSL atlas probability map (0, 25 or 50; default = 25).


mni2atlas(VECTOR/ROI) the first input can be a MNI vector or an ROI in the MNI space. Depending on the input the script switches between two different work modalities. With no other input the script will seek labels among all available fsl atalses.

mni2atlas(VECTOR/ROI,ATLAS_SELECTOR) allows to choose among the following atlases:

  1. Juelich Histological Atlas
  2. Harvard-Oxford Cortical Structural Atlas
  3. Harvard-Oxford Subcortical Structural Atlas
  4. JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White Matter labels
  5. JHU White Matter tractography Atlas
  6. Oxford Thalamic Connectivity Atlas
  7. Cerebellar Atlas in MNI152 after FLIRT
  8. Cerebellar Atlas in MNI152 after FNIRT
  9. MNI Structural Atlas

ATLAS_SELECTOR must be a row vector (i.e. [1,3,6]). Default value is [1:1:9]. You can also leave it as an empty vector (i.e. (VECTOR/ROI,[])).

[ATLAS]=MNI2ATLAS(VECTOR/ROI,...) the script returns the structure ATLAS whit the following fields: .name (of the atlas), .labels (a cell vector). No stdout will be print.

mni2atlas(VECTOR) prints on screen labels found for the MNI VECTOR position.

mni2atlas(ROI) prints on screen labels found for the input ROI. ROI can be a preloaded (with load_nii) volume or the path of a nifti volume.


mni2atlas(ROI,ATLAS_SELECTOR,THR) THR allows to choose among 3 threshold levels: 0, 25, 50 (i.e,. 0, 25, 50). Default value is 25. Option available only under ROI modality.

mni2atlas(VECTOR,ATLAS_SELECTOR,RESOLUTION) RESOLUTION allows to choose between ‘1mm’ or ‘2mm’ atlases. 1mm atlases performs better region identification but requires more loading time. Default value is ‘1mm’. Option available only under VECTOR modality.


NifTI and ANALYZE tool (version > 2012-10-12)


This function uses some of the available FSL atlases