
A GUI tool for search i3 config

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

i3 Config Searcher

General General-windows codecov

Heavily inspired by Remontoire
And the amazing Regolith Linux group
Please check them out!

i3 searcher


You can both fuzzy search by text or by modifier keys

Be warned that modifier keys are a bit flakey on some distros!
Meta and Alt sometimes have issues registering, you may need to tap Ctrl to cause the display to refresh.


To install from source you can use cargo

cargo install --git https://github.com/dmweis/i3-conf-searcher

if you a using X11 and you are building from source you may need the librust-x11-dev package available in repository for Ubuntu 20.4


On Ubuntu 20.04 you will need libxkbcommon-dev and librust-x11-dev to compile.

Install with:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install libxkbcommon-dev librust-x11-dev -y

i3 Config

You can add the following entry to your i3 config to make it easier to use

## Launch // Config searcher // <> m ##
bindsym $mod+m exec i3-conf-searcher
for_window [class="i3-conf-searcher"] floating enabled
for_window [class="i3-conf-searcher"] move position center