A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Shopware ecosystem.
Inspired by ziadoz/awesome-php
- Backend Plugins
- Command Line
- Configuration
- Connectors
- Development Plugins
- IDE / PhpStorm Plugins
- Error Reporting
- Plugin Examples
- Frontend Development Resources
- Frontend Plugins
- Local Development
- Payment Plugins
- Themes
- Media Adapter
- ShyimBackendNotification - Backend Notification when multiple users working parallel
- Backend Order - Plugin which allows you to create orders via backend module
- Import Export - Import and Export articles, categories
- Shopware Migration - Migrate to Shopware from Magento, Gambio, Oxid, xt:Commerce, Prestashop, WooCommerce
- ReCaptcha Backend Login - ReCaptcha Backend Login
- More Shopware Shortcuts - More Shopware Shortcuts
- Google Authenticator Login - Adds Google Authenticator Support to Login
- Mittwald Security Plugin - Adds some security tools
- Extend Plugin Manager - Adds plugin store links to the Plugin Manager
- TinyMCE Custom Font - Adds custom font support to the Backend editor
- sw-cli-tools - The shopware CLI tools are your console helpers for all kind of shopware tasks
- scs-commander - A CLI tool for managing plugins in the Shopware Community Store.
- Plenty Markets - Plenty Markets Connector
- Shopware Connect - Shopware Connect
- Shopware API SDK PHP - Shopware API SDK written in PHP
- Shopware API SDK Javascript - Shopware API SDK written in Javascript
- Shopware API SDK Python - Shopware API SDK written in Python
- Shopware API SDK C# - Shopware API SDK written in C#
- Shopware API SDK Go - Shopware API SDK written in Go
- Adminer for Shopware - A web database client integration
- Shopware Profiler - A symfony profiler integration
- Whoops for Shopware - An error message beautifier
- Mail Catcher - Catches mails and displays them in the backend for easier mail debugging
- Theme Settings Export - Im- and exporter for theme settings to transfer these between systems or stages
- PackagistPluginManager - A packagist integration for Shopware plugins
- Shopware Plugin - Shopware Plugin
- Symfony Plugin - Symfony Plugin
- PHP Annotations - PHP Annotations
- PHP Toolbox - PHP Toolbox includes some Shopware configurations
- Model Test - Custom Model (5.2)
- Price Calculator - Service Decorator (5.2)
- Session Handler - Session Handler (5.2)
- Product Discount - Plugin Prototype (labs/next)
- shopware-missing-mixins - A collection of handy LESS-Mixins to complement Shopware
- shopware-missing-includes - A collection of Smarty-includes providing handy features when building a Shopware shop
- shopware-vueify - Write Vue.js components for use within the Shopware-StateManager
- shopware-typedef - Shopware 5 Typescript definitions
- 360° Product viewer - 360° Product viewer for detail page
- WebP Support - Adds WebP Support to Shopware
- Disqus - Replaces Blog Comments with Disqus
- Customer-specific prices - Customer-specific prices
- Share Buttons - Adds Share Buttons
- Thumbnail Sizes in Frontend - Makes Thumbnail sizes in Frontend available
- Optimus.io Optimizer - Optimus.io Image optimizer
- AMP - Adds AMP Support
- Browser Language - Language detection for multi shop setups
- Custom Sort - Customize article sorting in categories
- HybridAuth - Shopware Plugin for Social Login (Amazon, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn)
- Mini Basket Tax Information - Adds to the Mini Basket Tax information
- Article Accessory Direct Buy - Buy article accessory from detail page
- shopware-docker - A docker setup ready for shopware development
- shopware-vagrant - A Vagrant setup ready for shopware development
- netshops/docker-setup - Another docker setup made for web applications (Shopware configs included)
- Paypal - A PayPal integration for shopware
- Paypal Plus - Paypal Plus integration
- Payone - Payone integration
- Stripe - Stripe integration
- Ratepay - Ratepay integration
- MercadoPago - MercadoPago integration
- Wallee - Wallee integration
- Paymill - Paymill integration
- Molle - Molle integration
- Wirecard - Wirecard integration
- Heidelpay - Heidelpay integration
- G2A Pay - G2A Pay integration
- iPayment - iPayment integration
- Bootstrap based Theme - Shopware Bootstrap Theme
- Flat Theme - Responsive Theme in Flat
- Google Integration - Shopware integration for Google Analytics, Universal Analytics and Google Adwords services
- Google Remarketing - Adds Google Remarketing
- Google Certified Stores - Google Certified Shop Integration
- Nosto - Nosto integration
- Tawk.to - Tawk.to Chat
- Livezilla - Livezilla Integration
- Easymarketing - Easymarketing integration
- Stetic - Stetic integration
- Bing Tracking - Bing Tracking