
The objective of this project aims to replicate a rat’s active vibrissal sensing to classify concave and convex objects using artificial neural networks in simulations. Moreover, we investigated how individual whiskers affect neurons in the neural networks of the deep-q learning algorithm, which enabled the rat in simulation to find an optimal whisking orientation that maximizes the symmetry of contacting whiskers.

For detailed information about this project, check out my post from my portfolio

I modified this simulator WHISKiT Physics Simulator, a 3D dynamical model of the full rat vibrissal array using the open-source physics engine Bullet Physics and OpenGL, for this project.

This repository provides modified WHISKiT Physics Simulator with additional function of

  • Parallel Simulation using Northwestern University's Computing Cluster QuEST
  • Customizable location of 3D modeling
  • Real-time commnication node with Python 3
  • Some example scripts to filter output
  • Tabular data classifers for concave and convex obejct
  • Image classifiers for concave and convex object
  • DQN script for reinforcement learning

Installation Instructions:

  1. Install OpenGL/Glut with sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

  2. Install Boost 1.62 library with sudo apt-get install libboost1.62-all-dev

  3. Clone this repository:

	git clone
  1. Compile whisketphysics:
	cd your/path/to/whiskitphysics/code
	mkdir build
	cd build
	cmake ..

If boost library is not found by cmake try:

	cd your/path/to/whiskitphysics/code
	mkdir build
	cd build
	sudo cmake --check-system-vars ..
	sudo make

  1. Run whiskit (no graphics) or whiskit_gui (with graphics). Use --help or -h for information about command line arguments. Bash scripts for simulation presets are available in "script" folder.

  2. If you want to run it with ROS copy whisker_ros to your catkin workspace and catkin_make


This section explains directories in code

config : some configuration for object tranformation for Quest Simulation is stored here data : contains .obj file od 3d modelings and whisker trajectories filter_oupt : contains some python scripts that I used to filter output and generate training input for classifiers image_classifer : binary image classifer and multiclass image classifer with image training input include : header directory for soruce codes quest_scripts : sample scripts for quest simulation scripts : bash scripts with pre-defined parameters for whiskit_gui or whiskit and python scripts for real-time commuication and DQN src : source code tabular_classifer : binary classifer and multiclass classifer with tabuar training input

Simulation with Keyboard Control

run sh run_user_control and run python3 on a sperate terminal

	w : move forward
	s : move backward
	a : turn left
	d : turn right
	up-arrow : look up
	down-arrow : look down

Tabular Classiifer

run python3 tabular_classifer or python3 tabular_multiclass_classifer

These scripts automaitcally and randomly split test data from train data. The last column of the data should be classifcation index.

Only data for tabular_classifer is provided in this repository

run python3 logistic regression for training tabular data with logistic regression method


run python3 classifer or python3 multiclass_classifer

obejcts with differnt classification index should be separated. For example, if my target dir for train is contact, this dir should contains two seperate dirs called concave and convex

Reinforcement Learning

run python3 and sh run_user_control in the script dir


This is ROS package for data visualization and commuication that can be used parallely with WHISKiT Physics Simulator. This is still under development, but you can run some demos.

run roslaunch whisker_ros start.launch open up a separate termail and run sh run_user_control in the script dir this launch file will publsish whisker data as ROS topics

run rosrun whisker_ros tabular realtime classifer to see real-time classification Make sure that your loaded model input has matching input size with the number of whiskers currently running in the simulation