Easily add ANSI colors to your text and symbols in the terminal. ansi-colors is the official ansi styling library for gulp. Used by hundreds of projects, including enquirer, vscode, codeql, azure data studio, aws-cdk, redwoodjs, leaflet, mocha, and many others.
- 3
No longer works in browser with Webpack 5
#52 opened by eddie-dunn - 2
support for RGB, HLS?
#39 opened by beckend - 3
TS 2339: Property 'theme' does not exist on type 'typeof import("node_modules/ansi-colors/types/index")'
#47 opened by ju1ius - 1
Is there a vscode extension?
#57 opened by TuKun33 - 3
enabled is const and cannot be assigned.
#29 opened by ws93 - 3
- 1
- 2
NO_COLOR environment variable support
#46 opened by bgv2 - 1
- 5
Does not support `keyword`
#28 opened by jedahan - 2
- 0
Support tagged template literals
#41 opened by ryuran - 1
Without the support for the hex() method, this lib is not an drop-in replacement for Chalk.
#40 opened by tabarra - 1
Update benchmark results in the readme
#37 opened by sindresorhus - 4
Minor edit needed
#35 opened by pohlkat - 4
Failed to minify
#36 opened by justinkiang - 1
metadata suggestions
#34 opened by jonschlinkert - 0
- 1
enable funding support in settings
#32 opened by jonschlinkert - 3
Failing CI (AppVeyor)
#31 opened by DanielRuf - 3
escape colors on stdout
#27 opened by izelnakri - 0
- 0
- 1
Expose stripColor again?
#21 opened by tunnckoCore - 2
Nested Colors example does not work
#19 opened by PjotrB - 3
Render bug in bound methods
#18 opened by jorgebucaran - 4
- 1
kleur and turbocolor bug screenshot
#16 opened by jonschlinkert - 8
Looks like color stack is being retained.
#15 opened by doowb - 2
Update typings
#9 opened by marcelh-gh - 1
Update @types/ansi-colors
#10 opened by MurhafSousli - 5
#7 opened by jonschlinkert - 1
open to a PR using proxy?
#6 opened by jonschlinkert - 2
TypeScript Typings
#4 opened by Silic0nS0ldier - 3
- 3
Document Windows support
#2 opened by demurgos - 1
add me to npm please? :)
#1 opened by jonschlinkert