ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
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Tests using Onnx fail with `LoadOrtModelWithLoader ORT model verification failed`
#7339 opened by ericstj - 2
ML.NET NER - Mismatched state_dict sizes: expected 60, but found 126 entries.
#7350 opened by piercarlo62 - 2
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cloning is incorrectly implemented
#7381 opened by jmkinzer - 0
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How do we get the classes from a confusion matrix?
#7379 opened by JohanLarsson - 0
`o3` and `o3-mini` support for tokenizer
#7375 opened by Peter-Juhasz - 0
LightGBM feature importance
#7378 opened by JohanLarsson - 1
Unable to load DLL 'MatrixFactorizationNative' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (0x8007007E)'
#7373 opened by Pavan8374 - 0
Context Aware Tokenization
#7372 opened by tjwald - 0
Batch Tokenization Support
#7371 opened by tjwald - 1
Direct Accces to Microsoft.ML.GenAI.LLaMA Model
#7367 opened by aforoughi1 - 9
Expose Encoder in TiktokenTokenizer
#7313 opened by razshare - 1
iphone (ios) can use ?
#7346 opened by chengqun - 5
Add Phi-4 to Tiktoken encoding map
#7337 opened by luisquintanilla - 0
SaveCsv method ignoring supplied CultureInfo
#7333 opened by totalgit74 - 0
ObjectDetection-Onnx System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory.
#7359 opened by eddylai - 1
Self-learning of the model
#7361 opened by oguzhanet - 1
Whisper Tokenizer support
#7353 opened by MithrilMan - 3
Can no longer subclass DataFrameColumn due to internal abstract GetSortIndices method
#7323 opened by charliebone - 2
Microsoft.ML.OnnxTransformer asking for wrong Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime version
#7297 opened by sportbilly21 - 0
Decode Date32 arrow type in DataFrame
#7261 opened by vthemelis - 1
Schema mismatch for label column 'Label': expected Key<UInt32>, got String (Parameter 'labelCol')
#7315 opened by embrace2020 - 0
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Why is the prediction so much slower after upgrading to version ML Fast Tree 4.0?
#7347 opened by EachShow - 1
Tokenizer for SentencePiece Unigram models
#7294 opened by KasperNissen1997 - 0
PFI (Permutation Feature Importance) takes forever on some regression models created using AutoML
#7345 opened by lolsoftware - 0
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LibMF submodule
#7341 opened by ericstj - 0
Consider Rust BPE tokenizer implementation
#7336 opened by tarekgh - 0
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WordPiece and Bert Tokenizer Design review
#7281 opened by tarekgh - 4
Using pre-train huggingface tokenizers
#7286 opened by mehdihadeli - 3
Periodicity detection accuracy is very low
#7289 opened by tappanajmera - 0
Add option Deterministic to LightGbmBinaryTrainer.Options and LightGbmMulticlassTrainer.Options
#7326 opened by grzskoBgs - 0
[GenAI] Supervised-fine-tune
#7325 opened by LittleLittleCloud - 0
[WIP][GenAI] Finetune
#7287 opened by LittleLittleCloud - 0
Is there any problem with LightGBM v4.5.0
#7320 opened by boneatjp - 0
Aot compatibility for ML.Tokenizers
#7271 opened by euju-ms - 0
Implement DataFrame.Shape method
#7296 opened by tonyqus - 1
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[WIP] [GenAI] Lora Finetune
#7288 opened by LittleLittleCloud - 1
ImageClassificationTrainer stuck on downloading Downloading resnet_v2_50_299.meta
#7276 opened by farsdewibs0n - 0
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mlnet finds duplicate columns where they don't exist
#7269 opened by thomasd3 - 0
[Tracking] Clean up item related to Tokenizers
#7268 opened by tarekgh - 0
Monotone constraint still not support for LightGBM 3.0.1
#7265 opened by asyura - 0
Enable custom token counting
#7263 opened by luisquintanilla