ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET.
- amnesia
- andrii-riabchunKyiv, Ukraine
- AntiPhotonz
- ardacetinkayaStockholm, Sweden
- BelvalAmazon Web Services
- borysrybakEarth
- costin-eseanuMicrosoft
- cwe1ssNordcloud
- davreevLondon, UK
- discosultanAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- eerhardt@Microsoft
- GalOshriAWS
- gmarcialMercado Livre
- hayes87
- iamjasonpMicrosoft
- ikivancMicrosoft
- interesaaatMicrosoft
- justinormontMicrosoft
- lecaillonVeepee
- luispaulosouza@nesshub
- markusweimerMicrosoft
- martijn00Co-founder @Baseflow
- MNieGdańsk
- mthamil
- mvacha@netglade
- neuecc@Cysharp
- omariom
- omid3098Germany
- onurcelikeng
- pavoldeckyDescartes System Group
- SamuronFortune Teller
- slynBurdur
- surban@DeepMLNet
- TylerBrinkley@vestainnovations
- UgurAldanmazVerilogy OÜ
- xoofxUnity-Technologies