- 1995parham@snapp-cab @snapp-incubator @aut-ce @I1820
- akhilhadli
- alaskacanyon
- AndyMakous
- arbalLos Angeles, CA
- athamour1Greece
- brandongalbraithMetamorphic Systems
- Champii
- cinghiopinghio
- cultabUniversity of West Attica
- darjaallora
- DavidMacas
- dmsimonov
- draptikMATHEMA GmbH
- dufferzafar@tower-research
- ejuarezgUSA
- esdnm
- har5ha
- ibehnam
- joedf@AutoHotkey Foundation LLC
- Kenmac589
- kostkon
- M0rtenB
- m9hCenter17
- magalhaeshBerlin
- MDunitz
- OliverGeeLondon, UK
- pgaudingUniversity of the South
- spenserpothierSeattle, WA
- thejahh
- TracyRageCluj-Napoca
- TrevorSmaleself
- tufei
- vietphan-billidentityMelbourne, Australia
- willbasky@mlabs-haskell
- zouhair