
Golang AABB-backed BVH implementation

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Golang AABB-backed BVH implementation


t := bvh.New(bvh.O{
	LeafSize: 4,
	K: vector.D(2),
	Tolerance: 1.05,

t.Insert(100, *hyperrectangle.New(vector.V{0, 0}, vector.V{10, 10}))

for _, x := range t.BroadPhase(*hyperrectangle.New(vector.V{9, 0}, vector.V{11, 1})) {
	fmt.Printf("ID %v overlaps query", x)

t.Update(100, *hyperrectangle.New(vector.V{0, 0}, vector.V{5, 10}))

// No objects remain in the query rectangle.
for _, x := range t.BroadPhase(*hyperrectangle.New(vector.V{9, 0}, vector.V{11, 1})) {
	fmt.Printf("ID %v overlaps query", x)

See example.go for a full implementation.


go test -race -coverprofile=coverage.out github.com/downflux/go-bvh/...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out


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