
Multiome Dataset

Sayyam-Shah opened this issue · 4 comments


I hope you are doing well. Thank you for the amazing tool.

I have a multiome dataset on the same cells and would like to take advantage of SEAcells. Would you recommend I run the seacell algorithm on both modalities separately and map the ATAC seacells to the RNA seacells?

We recommend using the ATAC metacells for the use of gene-peak associations, gene scores and other ATAC related computation.

Interesting, thank you!

Why do you recommend using the ATAC metacells to compute the RNA summarized seacells? I am hoping to run Scenic+ on my data. It uses the ATAC and RNA data to identify TFs.

You can also try using the SCENIC+ latent representation to compute metacells instead of SVD.

That's an amazing idea. I assume you are referring to the reduction method used to generate the UMAP with pycistopic.

From there, I can compute the ATAC and RNA seacells using the latent representation from cistopic on the full dataset. Then I can run cistopic again on the seacells and run scenic+ with the RNA seacells.