Genome browsing from MethylDackel bedGraphCpG file
emiliomastriani opened this issue · 0 comments
emiliomastriani commented
I used nfcore/methylseq pipeline to analyze my data and it worked well. My raw data have been obtained by affinity enrichment binding the CpG with Human MBD2A. I got the sorted.markDups_CpG.bedGraph file, that can be successfully imported into IGV. Now, I am in the need to identify:
- the methylated genes
- genomic regions (promoter, intronic, exotic, splicing site, TSS)
- directionality (hypo/hyper methylation)
Which application/package (R/python/etc) can be used to import the sorted.markDups_CpG.bedGraph file to retrieve the information I need?
Thank you for you support.