Evolving Virtual Creatures through Geometrical Patterns

Repository Structure

  • environment.yml: initialize the anaconda environment.
  • code/evolution: contains all EA code, including the proposed OCRA approach, CMA-ES infused CVT-MAP-Elites and the modified AESHN algorithm.
  • code/unity: contains all environments used within the experiments, including the proposed virtual ecosystem.

Development Structure

  • Milestone per iteration with goals to achieve


  • master: only updated when whole iteration is complete, execution goals have been achieved and documentation has been fully added
  • develop: updated when whole iteration is complete and is in execution / testing stage
  • iteration/X/main: master branch for iteration X
  • iteration/X/feature/Y: adding feature Y to iteration X
  • iteration/X/fix/Y: fixing feature Y in iteration X


Literature index

Have a look at the Wiki for more information about: