- 4
zinbInitialize() fails if softImpute does not find low-rank matrix with rank NCOL(W)
#16 opened by drisso - 8
Add vignette on working with Seurat
#17 opened by drisso - 1
Possible application of ZINB-WaVE model
#20 opened by tibo1 - 5
Build model on subset of data
#10 opened by jma1991 - 1
- 0
- 2
zinbFit for simulated data when beta_pi and beta_mu are 0 in the generative model
#21 opened by gbiele - 3
fixing gamma_mu or don't estimate intercepts?
#15 opened by gbiele - 5
- 2
Y matrix in function zinbFit
#13 opened by CcYyQq - 1
Unable to extract normalized counts
#11 opened by arvchi - 4
Normalized dataset
#7 opened by zji90 - 1
Core dump from RSEC()
#3 opened by davismcc - 4
Error from softImpute
#9 opened by mkrzak - 1
Check that input matrix is whole numbers
#1 opened by drisso - 0
Issues from archived version
#2 opened by drisso