Wheel Angle Problem
zed-2018 opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi DBNet team,
thanks for the great dataset and here comes some question.
According to common sense and Figure 4 in your paper, the wheel angle should be between -90 and 90. However, the angle of the behavior.csv in the dataset are distributed between -180 and 180. It is difficult to predict such a wide range, could you tell me the reason for that?
And the lstm results are far from the paper.
emmmm... I'm not sure, I can't find the steer angle exceeding 90, but I think... shouldn't it be between -270 and 270?
And another thing that confuses me is why some frames , in which the car is turning right or left doesn't have a reasonable steer angle (they are lower than they should be)?
This turning situation in other dataset may be with the angle upto around 220