- 1
Dependency issues W/
#138 opened by captainblie - 0
Problem installing on hosting
#160 opened by arieleanarion - 0
Custom install Droopler on Drupal 10
#157 opened by monterek - 7
Error during Droopler installation
#137 opened by valica - 1
Please update for Drupal 10.1 profile
#141 opened by 10corp - 1
Setting Up PATH and Directories
#133 opened by Mayakovsky - 1
Basic Questions
#132 opened by Mayakovsky - 21
Error installing / we_megamenu compatibility
#128 opened by ugintl - 0
droopler_subtheme not found - How to continue?
#130 opened by bem22 - 3
- 6
Navigating to core/install.php throws up an error
#126 opened by kistulu - 2
Webform instead of contact forms
#92 opened by zietbukuel - 16
Error during installation
#104 opened by valica - 1
Install instructions don't work
#120 opened by fwells11 - 1
Gulp doesn't build (I guess)
#125 opened - 2
Composer 2 Compatibility
#112 opened by jorap - 1
Update theme to 9 version compatibility
#110 opened by darkdim - 2
Cannot install using composer
#67 opened by socialnicheguru - 1
Error on init content 8.x-2.0-rc1
#88 opened by tigos2 - 2
Droopler installation process fails
#58 opened by partikus - 1
- 1
Composer Install Stumbles
#40 opened by atlanticdecisionsciences - 2
Missing web path in no_web branch
#32 opened by creativehubspace - 1
Register droopler_project on
#19 opened by chrfritsch - 3
Custom blocks library errors
#9 opened by graber-1 - 2
- 1
why is DROOPLER created by DROPTICA
#15 opened by MarioBaron - 4
Need for php 7.1?
#16 opened by theodorosploumis - 3
SASS errors
#7 opened by graber-1 - 4
Installation documentation incomplete
#11 opened by graber-1 - 2
config.rb for SASS compiler missing
#8 opened by graber-1