
Issue in running demo

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi! I am getting No module named 'src.dependencies.FRNN' error while run demo. It's worth mentioning that inference using pre-trained model is performed nicely. Thanks in advance for your guidance.


This means FRNN has not been correctly installed. Probably linked to your previous issue regarding FRNN. Make sure FRNN is successfully installed, in the expected location as specified in install.sh.

This means FRNN has not been correctly installed. Probably linked to your previous issue regarding FRNN. Make sure FRNN is successfully installed, in the expected location as specified in install.sh.

Thanks for your prompt reply. The previous error is now resolved. However, I am getting the following error when run Parsing the config files section :

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[12], line 2
      1 # Parse the configs using hydra
----> 2 cfg = init_config(overrides=[
      3     f"experiment={task_widget.value}/{expe_widget.value}",
      4     f"ckpt_path={ckpt_widget.value}",
      5     f"datamodule.load_full_res_idx={True}"  # only when you need full-resolution predictions 
      6 ])

File ~/DL_models/superpoint_transformer-master/src/utils/hydra.py:11, in init_config(config_name, overrides)
      9 def init_config(config_name='train.yaml', overrides=[]):
     10     GlobalHydra.instance().clear()
---> 11     pyrootutils.setup_root(".", pythonpath=True)
     12     with initialize(version_base='1.2', config_path="../../configs"):
     13         cfg = compose(config_name=config_name, overrides=overrides)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/spt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyrootutils/pyrootutils.py:151, in setup_root(search_from, indicator, project_root_env_var, dotenv, pythonpath, cwd)
    118 def setup_root(
    119     search_from: Union[str, Path],
    120     indicator: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = (
    130     cwd: bool = False,
    131 ) -> Path:
    132     """Combines `get_root()` and `set_root()` into one method.
    134     Recursively searches for files from the `indicators` list, starting from given path.
    149         Path: Path to project root.
    150     """
--> 151     path = find_root(search_from, indicator)
    152     set_root(
    153         path=path,
    154         project_root_env_var=project_root_env_var,
    157         cwd=cwd,
    158     )
    159     return path

File ~/miniconda3/envs/spt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyrootutils/pyrootutils.py:73, in find_root(search_from, indicator)
     70 path = _pyrootutils_recursive_search(search_from, indicator)
     72 if not path or not path.exists():
---> 73     raise FileNotFoundError(f"Project root directory not found. Indicators: {indicator}")
     75 return path

FileNotFoundError: Project root directory not found. Indicators: ('.project-root', 'setup.cfg', 'setup.py', '.git', 'pyproject.toml')

Check issue #23. Please make sure you thoroughly investigated your problem yourself and checked passed issues before opening a new one. We strive to provide as much support as we can here, but mind that it is quite time-consuming for us.

Resolved! Sure, sorry! Thanks for your responsibility.

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