Pinned issues
- 1
Cacheability metadata not bubbled up for computed fields in GraphQL responses
#1414 opened by rafatwork - 1
[4.x] Data producer "menu_links" is not checking access
#1420 opened by akhomy - 1
test issue that shuld get closed.
#1418 opened by klausi - 10
- 1
- 1
Composer.json doesn't require drupal/typed_data. Typed Data module 1.0 is marked Unsupported.
#1412 opened by mbomb007 - 0
- 1
Bump minimum PHP version to 8.1
#1337 opened by Kingdutch - 1
Drop Drupal 9 support
#1336 opened by Kingdutch - 0
In GraphQL query Filter not able to fiter with Entity reference value
#1406 opened by devamar10041981 - 0
- 0
- 0
Deprecated NULL placeholder value
#1401 opened by almunnings - 4
- 0
[4.x] APQ does not work with page cache
#1315 opened by dbosen - 0
[4.x] APQ does not work with dynamic page cache
#1316 opened by dbosen - 0
- 0
Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Utils::chooseHandler() When updating to Drupal 10 (GraphQL version 3)
#1390 opened by rhd-developers - 4
Route Entity data producer with non-existing translation
#1322 opened by artemvd - 0
- 4
PHPCS error 'string' is a reserved keyword as of PHP version 7.0 and should not be used to name a class, interface or trait or as part of a namespace (T_NAMESPACE)
#1385 opened by avinash2209 - 9
Performance Issues with larger schemas
#1312 opened by ayalon - 0
- 0
- 0
[4.x] property_path DataProducer resolver function fetchDataByPropertyPath() does not pass language parameter
#1380 opened by kevinsiji - 2
Argument #1 ($corsOptions) must be of type array, Drupal\\Core\\Http\\RequestStack given
#1381 opened by queenvictoria - 0
Disabling introspection breaks Explorer without a (very) helpful error message
#1348 opened by acbramley - 3
"An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (1000 MB) that this server supports" When selecting schema for new server
#1350 opened by thursdaybw - 0
Caching does not take operation name into account
#1365 opened by dulnan - 0
Access result from "entity_access" data producer is not added as cacheable dependency
#1371 opened by dulnan - 0
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Improve type-annotations for currently untyped code
#1338 opened by Kingdutch - 0
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Upgrade to webonyx/graphql-php v15.x
#1335 opened by Kingdutch - 3
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Add examples for ENUMs implementations
#1359 opened by usmanublox - 2
Failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream
#1358 opened by sarathrajan - 0
How to access additional JavaScript library URLs
#1355 opened by cweiske - 0
Field resolver validation reports a false positive for array and object types
#1341 opened by Kingdutch - 2
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Question: Possible as Subgraph?
#1331 opened by leganz - 1
V4 reference to add entity layout builder
#1327 opened by Boby - 1
Route Entity producer for non entity routes throws errors
#1324 opened by artemvd - 1
Porting the v3 schema to the v4 plugin version
#1319 opened by steale-dot - 0
How to disable caching during development.
#1318 opened by bgronek - 0
- 1
Compatibility issue with PHP 7.0 - Use of reserved keyword 'string' as namespace
#1334 opened by RishiKulshreshtha - 0
- 1
PHP reserved word "string" used in a namespace
#1329 opened by FatherShawn - 0
Missing translations for entety reference fileds
#1309 opened by tigran8902