- 7
- 1
Annotate types with ABSL attributes?
#107 opened by jiawen - 0
Automatic strides for a final dim of extent 1 is 1 instead of product of previous extents in the default and dense_array case
#101 opened by jiawen - 2
- 4
- 5
Consider adding "flat iterators" for arrays
#22 opened by dsharlet - 0
errors.cpp test is failing silently on gcc
#92 opened by dsharlet - 4
shape allows construction from incompatible shapes (std::is_constructible and std::is_assignable are broken for std::tuple on various STLs)
#20 opened by dsharlet - 0
array's move constructor default constructs an allocator before using the other allocator
#47 opened by dsharlet - 8
const_cast for array_ref<const T>
#85 opened by jiawen - 1
Cropping via ranges results in an array with the same indices as the old array
#24 opened by dsharlet - 3
Need a version of generate() that takes indices
#57 opened by jiawen - 6
- 4
call of overloaded ‘for_each_value_in_order<(nda::shape<>::rank() - 1)>(nda::shape<>::index_type, void (&)(const int&, int&), std::pair<const int*, std::tuple<> >&, std::pair<int*, std::tuple<> >&)’ is ambiguous
#67 opened by Mr-doooog - 3
reinterpret_shape doesn't resolve bare shape
#72 opened by linht122 - 1
`make` broken on Apple Silicon Macs with Xcode
#70 opened by jiawen - 7
runtime assert failures regarding incompatible dimension parameters are hard to debug
#26 opened by dsharlet - 0
Numpy -> nda::array cheat sheet?
#63 opened by mgraczyk - 1
- 1
Reshape an array in runtime
#50 opened by votientu - 0
- 1
Host doxygen generated docs somewhere
#51 opened by dsharlet - 1
- 0
Bounds issues should be reported consistently
#10 opened by dsharlet - 0
auto_allocator could fall back to a base allocator when the allocation is too big
#46 opened by dsharlet - 1
- 1
Comparison with mdspan/mdarray
#45 opened by xelatihy - 0
Consider removing make_dense* functions
#43 opened by dsharlet - 0
- 1
Add CUDA support
#30 opened by dsharlet - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Vcpkg (and cmake) support.
#29 opened by acdemiralp - 3
Find a good syntax for expressing ranges
#25 opened by dsharlet - 0
Better differentiate between ranges and shapes
#23 opened by dsharlet - 0
Shapes should only get automatically defined strides when they are used to construct arrays
#17 opened by dsharlet - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
`array::set_shape` is unsafe
#19 opened by dsharlet - 0
reshape operations don't check bounds
#11 opened by dsharlet - 0
- 1
Error messages can be unwieldy
#15 opened by dsharlet - 0
Rename stack_allocator
#6 opened by dsharlet - 0
Slicing does not reduce rank
#14 opened by dsharlet - 0
Shape constructors are ambiguous for 1D shapes
#16 opened by dsharlet - 0
at() doesn't throw if the index is out of bounds
#13 opened by dsharlet - 1
- 0
`array::swap` does not respect `std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::propagate_on_container_swap::value`
#5 opened by dsharlet