- ademets
- alessandrostoneEleven Technology GmbH
- BachiLi
- bartwronskiNew York
- BentouDevTechland
- binarycrusader@Microsoft
- boberfly
- DammianMiller
- danieleke
- gluyasTe Whanganui-a-Tara
- hasinoff
- ifreeChengdu
- ik5:::1
- iOrangeCanada
- jamastDeck13 Interactive
- jhaberstro
- mabaro
- mworchelTU Berlin
- NexuapexLos Angeles, CA
- ngaloppo@apple
- nmwsharpSeattle, WA
- orisano@recruit-tech
- pkesteneCEA
- plopsNetherlands
- ptran-gpfwGoPro
- RickLamb
- sdasd12312wasdasd
- SergeyMakeevRoblox Corporation
- siticUniversity of California, San Francisco
- stelabourasHorizon Video Technologies
- valgurMilrem Robotics
- wx257osn2
- xelatihyUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- ycjungSubhuman@posgraph
- zaimoni