
Archived Magento Developer Documentation (1.x, 2.0-2.3)

Primary LanguageHTML

Archived DevDocs

This branch contains the archived Magento documentation for the following versions:

  • 1.8 CE, 1.13 EE
  • 1.9 CE, 1.14 EE
  • 2.0.18
  • 2.1.16
  • 2.2.7
  • 2.3.0

View online

The branch is built and pushed to the gh-pages branch manually. The gh-pages branch is deployed through GitHub pages to http://magento.github.io/devdocs/.

Build locally

To build locally, you need Ruby 2, Bundler 1, and the following commands:

  • to set up the project:

    bundle install
  • to build and preview locally:

    rake preview:all


This branch is built and pushed to the gh-pages branch manually.

To build and deploy the branch, run:

rake build_and_deploy

This command runs the build, moves the generated content to the gh-pages branch, and pushes it to GitHub. Note, that you need to set up a remote named public that points to https://github.com/magento/devdocs.

The task creates a commit like Deploy 7gjj0dkh, where 7gjj0dkh is an SHA of the source commit from the archived-docs branch. This will help in future debugging in case of any issues. After you push the updated gh-pages branch, it is deployed automatically through the GitHub pages environment to http://magento.github.io/devdocs/. You can track progress and status of deployment in deployment history of the github-pages environment.