
How to do multithreading for PyRate?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear Expert,

I'm new in PyRate and after the first 10 million run with the mG model the ESS values are very small. I think at least 100 million runs with multiple replicates may give some satisfactory outome. However, the first 10 million runs took more than 65 hrs. Therefore, I wonder to know that is it possible to do multithreading of PyRate.

Thanks a bunch,

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your kind response, however I did according to your suggestion and invoked the program using following command

python PyRate.py dip_pbdb_dataSSF_PyRate.py -A 2 -mG -j 1 -n 50000000 -s 5000

And it is showing that

Module FastPyRateC was loaded. However, previously it was also showing similar message.
More essentially, it seems that -n and -s parameters are not working and by default the program sample the parameters every 1,000 iterations and it is displaying message...

PyRate.py:2373: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 1 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2369: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 1 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2369: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 2 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2369: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 3 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2369: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 4 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2369: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 5 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2373: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 2 + 1) instead
PyRate.py:2373: DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. Please call randint(0, 3 + 1) instead

Another thing I want know that approximately how much time require for 10 million iteration as my analysis included 2023 fossil record.


Thank you for pointing out this warning, I just pushed an update that should fix it.

Running 10M iterations on a standard dataset should definitely take less than 65 hours! Please note that the -A 4 algorithm (implementing RJMCMC) should be preferred over the -A 2.

If you send us the data by email we can take a look and see if there is any reason any particular issue with the input data.
