Freelance Bioinformaticians

Who we are

bioFreelancers is a public directory of freelance bioinformaticians available for hire. Whether you need a standard analysis done quickly or are looking for development on a short- to medium-term project, we have you covered. All listed freelancers are independent.

Adding your name to the list

  1. Fork this reposistory. Make edits locally and then push to the main list.

  2. Copy the file to bio/<>

  3. In your branch, edit the file:

    • Add your name under Freelance Bioinformaticians in alphabetical order
    • Template is <FIRST LAST. CITY, COUNTRY>
  4. Alternatively you can link to an outside webpage.

  5. Push your changes back to master-branch and you'll be added.

Then join the bioFreelancer Slack