ClojureScript + Zelkova + Virtual Dom + "The Elm Pattern" = Sane Javascript!
Uses stch-html for representing HTML in ClojureScript.
- Single flow of events.
- Use core.async.
- Use pure functions for updating state and rendering.
- Minimal learning curve (i.e., easier than Om).
[com.2tothe8th/dominator "0.4.0"]
Note: You will need to download the compiled vdom.js
file to your project directory and reference it in your HTML file.
You will also need to add :externs ["dominator.js"]
to the compiler options map if using advanced compilation.
In the example below there is a single signal actions
that all events are put onto. The sig/reductions
function acts like an unending reduce
over the actions
signal. reductions
takes a pure function, an initial value, and a signal, and produces a signal. update-model
takes the existing model, the "action" (value from the signal), and returns a new model. The view
function is mapped over each value from the model
signal. This function returns a representation of the markup. Finally the markup signal and root element are passed to render
, which patches the DOM with each value from the signal (uses requestAnimationFrame under the hood).
(ns dominator.counter
(:require [dominator.core :refer [render]]
[stch.html :refer [div table tr td input]]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<!]]
[dominator.async :as as :refer-macros [forever]]
[dominator.test.util :as util]
[jamesmacaulay.zelkova.signal :as sig]
(:require-macros [cljs.core.match.macros :refer [match]]))
(def people ["Billy" "Bobby" "Joey"])
(def actions (sig/write-port :no-op))
(defn view [model]
(for [person people]
(input :type "button" :value person
:onclick (as/send actions [:clicked person])))))
(for [person people]
(input :type "text" :readonly true :value (get model person))))))
(div :id "button-row"
(input :type "button" :value "Reset"
:onclick (as/send actions :reset)))))
(def empty-model
{"Billy" 0
"Bobby" 0
"Joey" 0})
(def initial-model
(or (util/get-storage "clicks") empty-model))
(defn update-model [model action]
(match action
:no-op model
:reset empty-model
[:clicked n] (update-in model [n] inc)))
(def model (sig/reductions update-model initial-model actions))
(def modelc (sig/to-chan model))
(render (sig/map view model) js/document.body)
(let [m (<! modelc)]
(util/set-storage "clicks" m)))
Below is a slightly more complicated example where we have two signals, one for actions and one for queries.
(:require [dominator.core :refer [render]]
[stch.html :refer [div input ul li]]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! >!]]
[dominator.async :as as :refer-macros [forever]]
[dominator.test.util :as util]
[clojure.string :as string]
[jamesmacaulay.zelkova.signal :as sig]
[jamesmacaulay.zelkova.time :as time])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.match.macros :refer [match]]))
(def wikipedia-endpoint
(defn wikipedia [search]
(str wikipedia-endpoint search))
(def query (sig/write-port ""))
(def actions (sig/write-port :no-op))
(defn view [results]
(input :placeholder "Search Wikipedia!"
:oninput #(async/put! query (-> % util/target-value string/trim)))
(for [result results]
(li result)))))
(def empty-model [])
(defn update-model [model action]
(match action
:no-op model
[:results results] results))
(def queries
(->> query
(time/debounce 150)
(sig/drop-if string/blank?)
(sig/map wikipedia)
(let [q (<! queries)]
(let [result (<! (util/jsonp q))]
(>! actions [:results (second result)]))))
(def model (sig/reductions update-model empty-model actions))
(render (sig/map view model) js/document.body)