
OFFBOARD control is dangerous.

If you are operating on a real vehicle be sure to have a way of gaining back manual control in case something goes wrong.


git clone

Getting started

  1. Launch a quadrotor with px4 and mavros in gazebo
roslaunch px4 mavros_posix_sitl.launch 
  1. Run the offboard_velocity_control
rosrun offboard_control offb_node
rosrun offboard_control setmode_offb

PID Controller

Basis theory

PID controller is a proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller or three-term controller) is a control loop mechanism employing feedback loop. A block diagram of a PID controller in a feedback loop.

This based on the current position and target position to have velocity to control UAV.

current                      target

To understand clearly, you can refer to the wiki:

And watch the video:

Necessary library include:

#include "offboard_control/pid_controller_base.h"
  1. set-up PID coefficient
double kp = 0.4, ki = 0.0, kd = 3.4;
  1. create pid command and pass the values above
PidControllerBase pid_cmd(kp, ki, kd);

Note: each pid_command have only use in one axis

  1. set-up max and min the velocity to fly UAV