
Cloudmapper fails to install on macos

alexr3 opened this issue · 2 comments


When installing "pip install -r requirements.txt", the error "No matching distribution found for pandas==1.1.3" is displayed.
I have a MacOS BigSur 11.6 (M1).

When installing Pandas version 1.1.3 the same error.
Pandas version 1.3.3 is currently installed.

How can I solve this?

I suggest you try using Docker as a workaround:

git clone https://github.com/duo-labs/cloudmapper
docker build -t cloudmapper .
docker run -ti -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws/ cloudmapper /bin/bash
python cloudmapper.py configure  add-account --config-file config.json --name XXX --id XXX --default true
python cloudmapper.py configure discover-organization-accounts
python cloudmapper.py collect --account XXX --profile XXX
python cloudmapper.py report --accounts XXX,XXX
docker cp $(docker ps -f ancestor=cloudmapper --format "{{.ID}}"):/opt/cloudmapper/account-data ./
docker cp $(docker ps -f ancestor=cloudmapper --format "{{.ID}}"):/opt/cloudmapper/web .

I was unable to install cloud mapper on macOS Monterey, Ubuntu 22.04 and Mint.

So I decided to install docker on macOS Monterey and follow these instructions : #896

Everything is fine, but when I type python cloudmapper.py report --accounts XXX,XXX, what I have to input as accounts. I try with audit, my account on AWS and the number of AWSaccount. I use a specific config.json for my AWS platform but it asks a region or tells me audit our xxxx are not in my config file.

Could you please tell me what I need to add to my config.json file ?
