
Package 'ros_deep_learning' not found in ROS2

AK51 opened this issue · 1 comments

AK51 commented


I really want to learn ROS2, so I re-started the whole process again with a new SD image (jetbot_image_v0p4p0) on my old Jetbot AI kit from https://www.waveshare.net/wiki/JetBot_AI_Kit
The old nano has only one CSI slot
I can make the ROS2 "Hello World" talker and listener works, but the video-viewer fails. May I know if it is my SD image or old nano board problem?

Here is the error
Package 'ros_deep_learning' not found: "package 'ros_deep_learning' not found, searching: ['/opt/ros/eloquent']"
May I know where I should look into? path problem?

This youtube showed what I did

BTW, what is the different of dusty-nv/jetbot_ros and this one? Should I use ros_deep_learning or I can combine two together?

AK51 commented

Sorry, I thought it is for jetbot. Probably different SD image issue. Pls ignore my question. Thx