
ROS model of 3 wheeled Omni-directional mobile robot

Primary LanguageC++

3-Wheeled Omni-directional Mobie robot

Download and Installation

$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/duynamrcv/omni_robot.git
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make

Simulation on Gazebo

roslaunch omni_gazebo gazebo.launch

Fake Omni Robot simulation on RViz

roslaunch omni_fake omni_fake.launch

Teleop controller

rosrun omni_teleop teleop


  • /cmd_vel <geometry_msgs/Twist> - The robot will get the value from this topic to control the robot velocity.
  • /odom <navigation_msgs/Odometry> - The robot state include real pose and velocity of robot
  • /scan <sensor_msgs/LaserScan> - The lidar 2D topic which show the scan value of lidar
  • /camera/rgb/image_raw <sensor_msgs/Image> - The rbg topic which show the depth image stream (8UC3) of rgbd camera
  • /camera/depth/image_raw <sensor_msgs/Image> - The depth topic which show the depth image stream (32FC1) of rgbd camera

Controller for Omni Robot

Move to Pose

First, run omni fake

roslaunch omni_fake omni_fake.launch

Then, run the controller

$ rosrun omni_control move2pose

On Rviz simulator, select 2D Nav Goal on the toolbar and select goal position for robot.
Move 2 Pose

Pure Pursuit

First, run omni fake and path generator

$ roslaunch omni_fake omni_fake.launch
$ roslaunch omni_path_generator simple_path.launch

Then, run the controller

$ rosrun omni_control pure_pursuit

Pure Pursuit