
My personal site & blog made with NextJS, Typescript, MDX, Tailwind CSS. Deployed on Vercel : https://gourav.io

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Personal Site - Gourav Goyal

My personal site & blog made with NextJS, MDX, Tailwind and deployed on Vercel

MDX Structure for Blog and Projects

File names and public urls mapping

markdown file should be named as index.md inside respective md folder

for blog:

folder: ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project
file: ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project/index.md
url: https://gourav.io/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project

for projects:

folder: ./content/misc/clone-wars
file: ./content/misc/clone-wars/index.md
url: https://gourav.io/clone-wars

folder: ./content/misc/notion-boost
file: ./content/misc/notion-boost/index.md
url: https://gourav.io/notion-boost

it also works with sub paths:

folder: ./content/misc/notion-boost/whats-new
file: ./content/misc/notion-boost/whats-new/index.md
url: https://gourav.io/notion-boost/whats-new

To hide blog article in blog index (visible only by direct url): in index.md frontmatter: add preview: true

To ignore a blog / project to show on site: add _ before the name of folder. ex: content/blog/_my-draft-post , content/misc/_my-draft-project

Open graph image

store open graph image inside respective md folder as og.jpg or og.png, else site default og.png file will be picked e.g. https://gourav.io/og.png

folder: ./content/misc/notion-boost
og image: ./content/misc/notion-boost/og.jpg or ./content/misc/notion-boost/og.png

folder: ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project
og image: ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project/og.jpg or ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project/og.png


store all related images inside its md folder.

folder: ./content/blog/first-donation-on-open-source-side-project

folder: ./content/misc/notion-boost

in case of md sub-folders: store images (including og image) to the base markdown folder

folder: ./content/misc/notion-boost/whats-new