- 4
createMrBayesTipDatingNexus - clarification requested on defining ingroup/outgroup exclusivity
#35 opened by dwbapst - 2
Error timeList
#33 opened by Je-AlbertDC - 9
- 7
Add fixRootTime to timeSliceTree?
#29 opened by graemetlloyd - 6
cal3TimePaleoPhy not properly adjusting dates according to dateTreatment = minMax
#19 opened by dwbapst - 5
Is MAP tree estimation for MrBayes really checking the posterior probabilities?
#21 opened by dwbapst - 4
Error in bin_timePaleoPhy(ParTree, timeList = TimeGenus, nonstoch.bin = TRUE, : timeList[[1]] not in intervals in time relative to modern
#20 opened by RussellGrayxd - 2
add maxTries argument for simFossilRecord()
#1 opened by wabarr