
CS277 Project: Deep Reinforcement Learning in portfolio Management. This repo is the DQN part which implements a trading agent based on the DQN algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is part of CS277 project: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Portfolio Management

The whole project consists three repos for three parts:

  1. Preprocessing:
    • Pre-stock-selection
    • Processing raw data provided by SSE
    • Generating datasets for DQN and DDPG based on the selected stocks
  2. DQN:
    • Implement of trading agent based on DQN
  3. DDPG:
    • Implement of trading agent based on DDPG

This repo is for the DQN part.

How to run


Python 3.6

pip install -r requirements.txt


To train a Deep Q agent, run python run.py --mode train. There are other parameters and I encourage you look at the run.py script. After training, a trained model as well as the portfolio value history at episode end would be saved to disk.

To test the model performance, run python run.py --mode test --weights <trained_model>, where <trained_model> points to the local model weights file. Test data portfolio value history at episode end would be saved to disk.

abbreviation para default usage
-e --episode default=2000 number of episode to run
-b --batch_size default=32 batch size for experience replay
-i --initial_invest default=20000 initial investment amount
-m --mode' required=True either "train" or "test"
-w --weights required when mode = "test" a trained model weights


  • train: python run.py --mode train
  • test: python test.py --mode test --weights ./weights/201912141307-dqn.h5 -e 500


  • /data: the csv files of stock table and history close price of 19 stocks. The files are generated on preprocessing part.
  • /weights: the files stored weights trained by DQN
  • /visualization: figures of visualization
  • /portfolio_val: the portfolio values during episodes when trading or testing
  • agent.py: a Deep Q learning agent
  • envs.py: a simple 3-stock trading environment
  • model.py: a multi-layer perceptron as the function approximator
  • utils.py: some utility functions
  • run.py: train/test logic
  • requirement.txt: all dependencies


Training on 19 stocks for 2000 episodes and 4000 episodes

dataset: all_set_1.csv, stock_table_1.csv

train:4000 episode

mean portfolio_val: 116988.378

median portfolio_val: 116565.0


Testing on known old 19 stocks

dataset: all_set_1.csv, stock_table_1.csv

test: 500 episode

mean portfolio_val: 17703.272

median portfolio_val: 16994.000000000004


Testing on unknown new 19 stocks

dataset: all_set_2.csv, stock_table_2.csv

test: 500 episode

mean portfolio_val: 15256.06

median portfolio_val: 15008.0



The structure of code is mainly inspired by ShuaiW.