Awesome Phalcon
A curated list of awesome Phalcon libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-go.
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Access control list.
- PhalconUserPlugin - Plugin based on Vökuró ACL idea
Application Skeleton
Various application skeletons.
- Album O'Rama - Sample modular application for the Phalcon Framework
- Base App - The base application in Phalcon Framework
- INVO Application - Sample application for the Phalcon Framework
- MVC - Examples of Phalcon MVC file structures
- Phalcon Composer - Phalcon with Composer support MySql MongoDb Redis, clean + beauty
- Vökuró - Sample application for Phalcon Framework (Acl, Auth, Security)
- Webird - Webird was created to merge the latest PHP and Node.js innovations into a single application stack
- NovaMOOC - Sample application with API/BackEnd and FrontEnd + Authentication with JWT + Cypress tests with GitHub Actions + Docker compose.
- Sakura Panel - A Phalcon Panel created to install plugins Without Editing the Panel Source Code (Auth, ACL, Lite Bootstrap Template, And more...).
Authentication & OAuth
Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.
- Padlock - A docker-based phalcon authentication server built on top of the PHP OAuth 2.0 Server
- phalcon-authmiddleware - Add middleware events to the dispatcher. Generic design that's compatible with ACL or a custom auth library.
- Phalcon Auth - Out-of-the-box authentication component based on guards and providers.
CMS & Blogs
Content management systems & blogs.
- giada-www - Official website of Giada Loop Machine
- KikCMS - CMS built on Phalcon Framework
- Skopy Blog Engine - A simple blog engine for those who want to start learning Phalcon
- Yona CMS - CMS based on Phalcon Framework with modular structure
- PhalconCMS - A blog built on Phalcon Framework
- Hummingbird CMS - A CMS based on Phalcon 4 with many powerful features
- Element CMF - Admin panel for everything Demo (admin | adminpass)
Command Line
Command line applications & tools.
- phalcon-console - Sample bootstraping application for command line applications using the outstanding Phalcon Framework
- phalcon-cron - Cron component for Phalcon
- Phalcon Config Loader for Yaml - Loads all the yml in the directory of the app/config.
Admin Panels & Dashboards.
- PhalconTime - TimeKeeping tool / Dashboard skeleton
Debug & profiling tools.
- dd - This package will add the
helpers to your Phalcon application - Phalcon BB Debugger - Phalcon BB Debugger Strong and easy install.
- Phalcon Debugbar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Phalcon Framework
- Prophiler - PHP Profiler & Developer Toolbar (built for Phalcon)
List of i18n and l10n libraries and services.
- xgettext-template - Extract gettext messages from Volt templates using a command line program that is identical to the xgettext invocation.
Integration with third party services
- phalcon-logentries - Sends log messages to the Logentries log management service
List of extensions for IDE
- volt-phalcon-language - An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Phalcon Volt syntax and completion-auto
These libraries were placed here because none of the other categories seemed to fit
- Breadcrumbs - Powerful and flexible component for building site breadcrumbs in Phalcon 2+.
- Feedback - Is intended to be used as a replacement for Phalcon's built-in Flash and Message functionality
- Incubator - Repository to publish/share/experiment with new adapters, prototypes or functionality that can potentially be incorporated into the Phalcon Framework
- Upgrade Adviser - Command line tool to help upgrading Phalcon Applications from 3.4.x to 4.1.3, 3.4.x to 5.1.3, 4.1.3 to 5.1.3.
- yarak - Laravel inspired Phalcon devtools
- phalcon-data-table - Allows you to simplify the interaction with the bootstrap-table in the Phalcon
Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.
- phalcon-boundmodels - Automatically get models based on dispatcher parameters within the Phalcon framework
- phalcon-repositories - Easy Repository pattern for Phalcon
- phalcon-seeder - Database seeder component for Phalcon
- phalcon-redis-model - redis based ORM and Easy Criteria (The correspondence of MySQL sharding.)
Libraries that implement Object-Document Mapper techniques.
- phalcon-collection-paginator - A pagination adapter for classes that extend
Tools for provisioning a system for a Phalcon application.
- ansible-phalcon - Ansible Role to install Phalcon Framework in Debian (provides PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 packages)
- setupify - A collection of bash scripts for provisioning a Zephir and Phalcon based system for deployement or development
Representational state transfer.
- phalcon-json-api-package - A composer package designed to help you create a JSON:API in Phalcon
- PhREST API - Phalcon Framework REST API Package
- REST API - Implementation of an API application using the Phalcon
Various routing libraries & extensions.
- Phalcon-autorouter - Simple way to auto load modules without complicate definition of routes
- Phalcon Routing for Yaml - Routing can be easily configured with yaml
Searching tools & libraries.
- ElasticsearchIndexer - Elasticsearch indexer component for Phalcon
Seo tools.
- Phalcon meta tags - Tools for work with meta tags.
Shop & Ecommerce
- Shopping Cart - Simple cart for online store
Conferences, Chats, Forums, etc..
- Phanbook - The source for code website
- Phosphorum - The source for official Phalcon Forum
Libraries and tools for templating.
- twig-phalcon - Twig Template Engine for Phalcon Framework
Testing tools and solutions.
- phalcon-demo - A modified Phalcon INVO Application to demonstrate basics of Codeception testing.
Server Applications
- packagecloud - Phalcon distribution hosted on PackageCloud
- phalcon-docker-nginx - Phalcon 3, PHP7, Docker sample starter application
- phalcon-vm - Vagrant configuration for Phalcon 3.x and PHP7.0 development + MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB, Redis/Memcached, Gearman/RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch/Sphinxsearch on your choice
- phalcon3-compose - Docker Phalcon 3 development environment
Where to discover new Phalcon libraries.
Conferences, IRC, Forums, etc..
- Facebook - Phalcon on Facebook
- Gab - Phalcon on Gab
- Phalcon Forums - Phalcon Forums
- Phalcon Russian Community Chat - Russian Community Chat in
- Stack Overflow - StackOverflow Tagged Questions
- Twitter - Phalcon on Twitter
- Phalcon - Develop powerful web applications in PHP - Slides used to present Phalcon V4 during the Human Talks Lyon - 11 february 2020
- Phalcon Book (in French) - Phalcon : Develop complex and powerful web applications in PHP
- Phalcon PDF Documentation - Phalcon Framework Documentation
- French magazine - Programmez n°239 - The 10 commandments of eco-design (article mentioning Phalcon as a light and ecological Framework)
- French magazine - Programmez n°241 - Phalcon : the new must-know PHP framework
- German magazine - PHPMagazin n°1.21 - The Phalcon among the PHP frameworks
- Built With - Gallery of applications, demos and projects built with Phalcon Framework
- Phalcon Blog - Phalcon Blog
- Phalconist - Resources catalog for Phalcon Framework on Phalconist
- Phalcon Documentation - Phalcon Documentation
- Sitepoint - Articles, tutorials and so more
- Tutsplus - Tutsplus Code Courses