e-s-l's Following
- 1r0shIran
- alexpls@zendesk
- ATNFAustralia
- AuScopeMelbourne, VIC, AU
- AuscopeVLBI
- davidbrodrick
- dessalines
- ekohrt
- element-hqMatrix
- fandFreelance
- FelixKratzDortmund, Germany
- Floorp-ProjectsJapan
- GastdSønderborg, Denmark
- ha7ilmUGent
- itsmartashub
- koekeishiyaStavanger, Norway
- lionsoul2014原语云
- m4xshen@flowmodor
- MrOtherGuy
- objective-seeObjective-See Foundation
- openboard-team
- OpenMW
- oscimpBesancon, France
- peterhinchUK
- pgaskinOntario, Canada
- SnaKKoItaly
- StackOverflowIsBetterThanAnyAIGermany, Munich
- swisskyrepo
- TheChernoMelbourne, Australia
- tiegemccarthyUniversity of Tasmania
- tiwanariPILE Project, Inc. / estie, Inc.
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- tudat-team
- wezFunemployed
- WiznetRepublic of Korea
- XXXMrG@ecomfe