Python package for opening native file dialogs on linux, macOS and windows. It uses either zenity or kdialog on linux, pywin32 on windows and applescript on macOS.
pip install filedialpy
import filedialpy
f=filedialpy.openFile() # Open a single file (return a string)
f=filedialpy.openFiles() # Open multiple files (return a list of strings)
f=filedialpy.openDir() # Open a directory (return a string)
f=filedialpy.saveFile() # Save to a new file (return a string)
# Using additional options
f=filedialpy.saveFile(initial_dir="/home/user/Documents",initial_file="config.json",title="Save config file", filter=["*.json","*"])
- initial_dir: Initial directory where to start the search (current working directory if not specified).
- initial_file: Initial filename.
- title: Title for the dialog window.
- filter: string "*.json *.txt" (different accepted extensions can be separated by a space), or a list of such strings in order to provide several possible filters.
- confirm_overwrite: Only for saveFile. If true (default), will prompt the user for a confirmation before overwriting an existing file. On some platforms (mac, kdialog), this overwrite confirmation cannot be disabled.
The implementation of filedialpy was inspired by crossfiledialog.