Django-unity3d-example is an example project of how to use Django as a backend(API) for a Unity3D game.
- aitutor22
- angusmfCloudtown, TownWorld
- apallbox
- archatasBerlin, Germany
- broding
- BusterMachine
- chrisdrogarisDiga Design
- csim-utplusUTPlus
- dinamycamshiraz, fars, iran
- dnlcrl@dvisionlab
- eamonwoortmanThe Netherlands
- EnisBerkNew York
- FlyHighBye
- kevinlakhani
- kllmctrlmcts
- li5414makegames4fun
- MadBannyMoscow, Russia
- marek715
- mariaheineBerlin
- n37r06u3China
- oudeismetisThinkNimble
- paveltimofeevDigital Menu | Architecture Analysis | Avia Routes
- pbk0Hamburg, Germany
- pfaaj
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- rikapo
- scomert
- setphen
- sunitagajurel
- thitirun
- thomvandevinThe Netherlands
- timfoil
- timgiesenberg
- XiaoLi666National University of Singapore
- yibojiangIrvine, CA
- ziyeshanwaidigital xxx