Collection of easyblocks that implement support for building and installing software with EasyBuild.
- akesandgren
- bartoldeman
- bedrogeUniversity of Groningen
- billhibazzz
- boegel@ugent
- branfosjUniversity of Birmingham
- crphilipp
- damianam
- eemailme
- epauwels
- fgeorgatosEPFL
- hajgatoGhent University
- hpcugentbot
- jhcloos
- LineZaide0909
- MicketChalmers University of Technology
- migueldiascostaNational University of Singapore
- Minidixit
- mstudZIH, TUD
- myd7349
- myGitHubehsanEhsanasgari688@mention
- notreallyzimAustin, TX
- ocaisa
- pescobarUniBas - SIB
- pforai@AWS
- SpencerxIndependent
- stdweirdGhent University
- steevmi1
- verdurin
- xdcescShanghai
- zaoUmeå, Sweden