
curl statistics made simple

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



httpstat visualizes curl(1) statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.

It is a single file🌟 Python script that has no dependency👏 and is compatible with Python 3🍻.


There are three ways to get httpstat:

  • Download the script directly: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reorx/httpstat/master/httpstat.py

  • Through pip: pip install httpstat

  • Through homebrew (macOS only): brew install httpstat

For Windows users, @davecheney's Go version is suggested. → download link



python httpstat.py httpbin.org/get

If installed through pip or brew, you can use httpstat as a command:

httpstat httpbin.org/get

cURL Options

Because httpstat is a wrapper of cURL, you can pass any cURL supported option after the url (except for -w, -D, -o, -s, -S which are already used by httpstat):

httpstat httpbin.org/post -X POST --data-urlencode "a=b" -v

Environment Variables

httpstat has a bunch of environment variables to control its behavior. Here are some usage demos, you can also run httpstat --help to see full explanation.


Set to true to show response body in the output, note that body length is limited to 1023 bytes, will be truncated if exceeds. Default is false.


By default httpstat shows remote and local IP/port address. Set to false to disable this feature. Default is true.


Set to true to show download and upload speed. Default is false.

HTTPSTAT_SHOW_SPEED=true httpstat http://cachefly.cachefly.net/10mb.test

speed_download: 3193.3 KiB/s, speed_upload: 0.0 KiB/s

By default httpstat stores body in a tmp file, set to false to disable this feature. Default is true


Indicate the cURL bin path to use. Default is curl from current shell $PATH.

This exampe uses brew installed cURL to make HTTP2 request:

HTTPSTAT_CURL_BIN=/usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.50.3/bin/curl httpstat https://http2.akamai.com/ --http2

HTTP/2 200

cURL must be compiled with nghttp2 to enable http2 feature (#12).


Set to true to see debugging logs. Default is false

For convenience, you can export these environments in your .zshrc or .bashrc, example:

export HTTPSTAT_SHOW_IP=false

Related Projects

Here are some implementations in various languages:

  • Go: davecheney/httpstat

    This is the Go alternative of httpstat, it's written in pure Go and relies no external programs. Choose it if you like solid binary executions (actually I do).

  • Go (library): tcnksm/go-httpstat

    Other than being a cli tool, this project is used as library to help debugging latency of HTTP requests in Go code, very thoughtful and useful, see more in this article

  • Bash: b4b4r07/httpstat

    This is what exactly I want to do at the very beginning, but gave up due to not confident in my bash skill, good job!

  • Node: yosuke-furukawa/httpstat

    b4b4r07 mentioned this in his article, could be used as a HTTP client also.

  • PHP: talhasch/php-httpstat

    The PHP implementation by @talhasch

Some code blocks in httpstat are copied from other projects of mine, have a look: