Statistical and population geneticist with a focus on underrepresented ancestries. See Atkinson-Lab github page for more recent repos.
Baylor College of MedicineHouston, TX
eatkinson's Followers
- BaHoleZhejiang University
- ceciliapadUniveristy of Cambridge
- cesarforteslimaJohns Hopkins University
- christiancalara
- dylansosaUniversity of Chicago
- gabbyz297University of Louisiana Lafayette
- gaochengPRCUniversity of Florida
- gveedenKepler 16
- hammer
- jasminebroHouston, TX
- JasonTan-codeBaylor College of Medicine
- jedsada-gh@20Scoops-CNX
- Kur1sutaruBaylor College of Medicine
- kyleyxwBoston University
- LinuxJSMultiverse
- mauerjhBaylor College of Medicine
- nadesaiNew York City
- NaughtoncolinGeorgia Tech
- OYEFAVOURAustralian National University
- pamrovInstitute for Behavioral Genetics @CUBoulder-IBG
- rubenpazchSoftware Engineer
- silvewheatNorthwest A&F University
- swartpcSouth Africa
- TrumanZYXCapital Medical University