Founded @Prescrypto, a small health tech firm. Coding a lot, biking everywhere and writing whenever possible. I like algorithms, photography and exploring.
@Prescrypto The Internet
ebarojas's Following
- abisosa@civica-digital
- arfon@github
- ati-ozgurDüsseldorf Germany
- carloscastellanos
- carrotIndustries
- cgershenUNAM
- dalbertoSet Labs
- dinacmistryNew York, NY, USA
- ewheeler
- isaacsvlt.sh
- jacomyalOuestWare
- javier-lopez@nebulosa
- jkbrenNortheastern University
- Josh-CenaYale University
- lervagSikt
- lgattode Duve Institute, UCLouvain
- mariorz
- matthewdowneyMexico City
- mautematicoMéxico
- mevangelista-alvaradoIM-UNAM and @prescrypto
- mikefabBrussels, Belgium
- mikehearn@hydraulic-software
- non-github-bitcoin
- ohmaddiUniversity of Oregon
- phonnz@workera-ai
- PratikDhanave
- QuantiumTraxion
- rgarcia-herreraLANCIS @sostenibilidad-unam @CSB-IG
- Rich-HarrisNYC
- SiedrixMexico
- thoppeCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS/OD)
- vbuterin
- wizardofozzieVienna, Australia
- yochannah@open-life-science
- Yomguitherealmédialab - Sciences Po