This is an adaptation of "The Incredible Machine" with increased multithreaded physical engine. About 40 levels available !
/!\ most of the code base is in french because this project has been developed during my early university years in France !
- Multithreaded physical engine
- Rotation taken into account during collisions
- Funny tools to solve puzzles : Balloons, Walls and Ventilators
- 40 funny levels that might be hard to solve...
- Infinite number of ways to solve levels
- You can visualize solution if you are locked ! Or simply go to next level ;)
- You can create you own levels with the EDITOR MODE !
Solve them all ! You have to put inside the bucket(s) all the Balloons involved in the level !
find -name '*.java' > sources.txt
mkdir output
javac -encoding ISO-8859-1 -d output @sources.txt
cp -r src/main/resources/* output
cd ./output
jar cmf ../ thethetim.jar com data
cd ./output
java -jar thethetim.jar