
Twitter Demo for echo3D. Type a hashtag search query - eg. #election2020 or #BlackLivesMatter - (with no spaces for now!) into search bar and hit search to spawn up to 15 local tweets containing the hashtag.


Don't have an API key? Make sure to register for FREE at echo3D.



  1. Create a Twitter account if you don't have one already. This will allow you to access the Twitter developer site
  2. Head to the Twitter developer site and create a new application.
  3. Fill out all the details and once you complete it you will recieve an API Key and an API Secret Key which will be used in the Unity app.


  1. Clone echo3D-Twitter-Demo sample code.
  2. Add and Open repo in Unity Hub as Unity 3D Project
  3. Download echo3D Unity SDK and import the package into the project
  4. Set the echo3D API key in the echo3D.cs script inside the Assets/echo3D/echo3D.prefab using the the Inspector.
  5. In Assets/echo3D/CustomBehaviour.cs, comment out line 27
this.gameObject.AddComponent<RemoteTransformations>().entry = entry;

and replace with:

// Set Rotation to parent
this.gameObject.transform.rotation = this.gameObject.transform.parent.transform.rotation;
// Set Scale
this.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f);
  1. Open Assets/Scenes/Main.

  2. Click on the TweetManager game object in the heirarchy and in the Inspector > TweetManager(Script) add your Twitter API Key and API Secret Key.

  3. In the TweetManager game object, in the Inspector > TweetGenerator(Script)

    • Add Assets/Prefabs/TweetObject.Prefab to the Tweet Prefab field.
    • Add Assets/echo3D/echo3D.prefab to the Object To Spawn field.
    • Add ARCamera from the hierarchy to the Spawn Point field.

Build & Run

Build and run the AR application. Verify that the Assets/Scenes/Main scene is ticked in the Scenes in Build list and click Build And Run.

Learn More

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use Unity and echo3D.


Feel free to reach out at support@echo3D.co or join our support channel on Slack.


demo gif
note: text under search bar will not appear in current build.

demo Screenshot