
A VR experience of a zoo with echo3D and Oculus Quest in Unity


Don't have an API key? Make sure to register for FREE at echo3D.


Echo API Setup

  • Set the API key in the echoAR.cs script inside the echoAR\echoAR.prefab using the the Inspector.
  • Add the 3D model from the 'Models' folder to the console in corresponding scenes.
  • Each folder in the Models folder should be a new project (API key) in your echo3D console. So for example, there would be an API key holding all of the models from the Overworld Models folder, another API key holding all of the models from the Tiger Models folder, another API key holding all of the models from the Macaw Models folder, etc.
  • If a model does not have a corresponding CSV file, it means that there is no metadata to input for that model. Hence, you can skip adding any metadata to that model. Otherwise, copy the metadata from each model's corresponding CSV file in the folder.
  • We recommend to add videos and audios from Models\VideosAudios to a seperate key Load a Key.
  • Set the Video API key inside the Prefabs\echoAR (video).prefab using the the Inspector.
  • Add the corresponding metadata listed in the Models folder.
  • For videos and audios project, make sure all models' metadata have a "Index" key with a special non-negative integer value.

Build & Run

Learn more

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use Unity and echo3D.


Feel free to reach out at support@echo3D.co or join our support channel on Slack.


Zoo Map screenshot Zoo Map dialogue screenshot Butterfly Scene screenshot Macaw Scene screenshot Monkey Scene screenshot Sloth Scene screenshot Tiger Scene screenshot echo3D console screenshot for content echo3D console screenshot for metadata

Resources and Reference

XR Rig Setup

Videos and Audios

Unity Assets
