
In the future, ads and virtual decoration in the city will be personalized. With the help of echo3D and AR devices, people can have a realistic experience in world. In this demo, you will have the ability to pick your own city center based on your interest in either Island or Coral.


If you don't have an echo3D API key yet, make sure to register for FREE at echo3D.


  • Add the 3D models from the Models folder to the ecchoAR console.
  • Add the metadata listed in the metadata folder.
  • Add echo3D Unity SDK to Unity assets.
  • Register your own a Vuforia developer account to get an API key. https://developer.vuforia.com/
  • In Unity version after 2017, select File > Build Settings > Player Settings > XR settings > Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported. Unity will auto download needed files.
  • After successfully download the files, search and select file "VuforiaConfiguration". In inspector, add your api key to "Add License Key". This will connect you with your Vuforia developer account.
  • Back to Vuforia developer, https://developer.vuforia.com/target-manager. Add given photo cityView.jpg from the Models folder to your target. You can add your own image target in "Target Manager" tab. Then click "Download Database" and import it into Unity.
  • Now we can start building the functions. Delete the Main Camera come with Unity, and add "AR Camera" under "Vuforia Engine" category in creating a new GameObject.
  • Right click and create an GameObject "Vuforia Engine > Image". Name it ImageTarget. In its inspector, find script "Image Target Behaviour". In dtabase choose your imported database from Vuforia. In Image Target choose the image target you want to use.
  • Create an echo3D empty gameObject under this ImageTarget. Attach echo3D script to the echo3D GameObject.
  • Create a Dropdown UI and attach DropdownChangeText.cs to Dropdown. Replace CustomBehaviour.cs with given CustomBehaviour.cs file.


Enter Play mode in Unity and make sure your image target is within sight. You should see your model appears on the image target. You can see different model in the dropdown.

Learn more

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use AR.js with echo3D.


Feel free to reach out at support@echo3D.co or join our support channel on Slack.


Video available in the Screenshots folder

video console metadata