Built with latest C# version and the .NET 8.
This project has been created for learning purposes about the network and game logic problematics on the server-side.
Technical information • Features • How To's (Out dated) • Contributing • Contributors • Supporters • License
- Language:
(Latest version) - Framework:
.NET 8
- Application type:
- Database type:
- Configuration files type:
- Environment:
Visual Studio 2022
- External libraries used:
Please take a look at our contributing guidelines, if you're interested in helping!
Before getting started, you will need to install the following softwares:
- Visual Studio 2022
- .NET 8 SDK : https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0
- Eastrall
- Steve-Nzr
- Freezeraid
- Skeatwin
- johmarjac
- Kaev
- YarinNet
- Almewty
- Anjuts
- MarkWilds
- tekinomikata
- Ukiyo
- Kinami
- Sauce