Bachelor of Computer Science - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Software Engineer at Precision Innovations and The OpenROAD Project.
Precision InnovationsPorto Alegre, RS
eder-matheus's Followers
- AbrarUSC
- Alex-MannToronto, Canada
- AstralisRL
- dojofullstack
- eda-ricercatoreDesign Automation Renegades
- gudehPrecision Innovations
- jrnunes1993Kinghost
- lucasltinocoECL-UFSC
- mdzakirhussain
- mrgabichSemiDynamics
- mukul19147
- munnyme
- Poopooracoocoodown under
- rodrigoberciniPistil Data
- sethupathibCadence
- signorgelatoChicago
- Stephaniav1901Artefact
- sweatmonkey
- Xingquan-LiPeng Cheng Laboratory