
realust visualization

yangchandler opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi,thx for your resource code.
I have one question,
I used test_pretrain.py to get infer labels,but when I use SemanticKitti-API to visualize the labels, The visualization results are dark,as if the label does not correspond to the official color.Did you have a question like this?

I did not transfer the label back to the original label format which is used in semantic-kitti-api. So the label probably don't match with the colormap

color_map: # bgr
0 : [0, 0, 0]
1 : [0, 0, 255]
10: [245, 150, 100]
11: [245, 230, 100]
13: [250, 80, 100]
15: [150, 60, 30]
16: [255, 0, 0]
18: [180, 30, 80]
20: [255, 0, 0]
30: [30, 30, 255]
31: [200, 40, 255]
32: [90, 30, 150]
40: [255, 0, 255]
44: [255, 150, 255]
48: [75, 0, 75]
49: [75, 0, 175]
50: [0, 200, 255]
51: [50, 120, 255]
52: [0, 150, 255]
60: [170, 255, 150]
70: [0, 175, 0]
71: [0, 60, 135]
72: [80, 240, 150]
80: [150, 240, 255]
81: [0, 0, 255]
99: [255, 255, 50]
252: [245, 150, 100]
256: [255, 0, 0]
253: [200, 40, 255]
254: [30, 30, 255]
255: [90, 30, 150]
257: [250, 80, 100]
258: [180, 30, 80]
259: [255, 0, 0]

You can use remap_semantic_labels.py(with --inverse) from semantic-kitti-api to do the inverse transferring.

My question has been solved. Thank you for your answer.