
A collection of serverless functions written in GO that can be deployed to services like Openfaas, Google Cloud Functions and Google Cloud Run

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

More Serverless

This repo contains a collection of serverless functions written in GO that can be deployed to services like Openfaas, Google Cloud Functions and Google Cloud Run.

If you want to try OpenFaas locally have a look at https://github.com/efbar/hashicorp-labs.

Table of Contents


Makefile can help you to perform functions building and deploying.

Run the following for some explanation:

make help


For building and deploying automation you need to install:

  • docker
  • gcloud
  • make
  • awk


For OpenFaas you need for sure faas-cli and you have to set some variables like:

export OPENFAAS_URL=http://faasd-gateway:8080

You also need to change the image path for every function (needed for docker pushing) in stack.yml. You will have to let openfaas login to your image registry correctly. More at OpenFaas documentation https://docs.openfaas.com

faas up

With this command you will build and deploy to OpenFaas:

make faasup func=<function_name>

faas delete

You can delete the function from Openfaas with:

make faasdelete func=<function_name>

Google Cloud Functions

You can deploy on GCP Cloud Functions once you have setup a project with all the mandatory services enabled (Cloud Functions and Cloud Build for example).

Then you have to choose a function and do:

make buildgcf func=<function_name> project_id=<project_id> region=<region>

where <function> is the choosen function, <project_id> is the GCP project id and <region> is the region for your Cloud Function container. Optionally can be added some environment variables with env_vars=<VAR1=value1,VAR2=value2>.

Google Cloud Run

The functions can be deployed to Google Cloud Run.

This automated part needs faas-cli installed.

Before start, you have to docker login to the GCP registry where the containers will be pull from (us.gcr.io, gcr.io, etc..).


make buildgcr func=<function> project_id=<project_id> registry=<registry> region=<region>

where <function> is the choosen function, <project_id> is the GCP project id, <registry> is GCP registry where you have just logged in and <region> is the region for your Cloud Run container. Optionally can be added some environment variables with env_vars=<VAR1=value1,VAR2=value2>.


Go tested version: v1.16.1

Every folder contains everything to deploy a function. This list will be updated constantly.



  • description: stop and start every VM, downscales or scales up (to 3 instances) every managed regional instance group in a GCP project in a "toggle" way
  • request: project id and region via env variable (look env_vars)
  • response: list of which machine or instance group has been modified
  • env_vars: in stack.yml, under function environment key, set PROJECT_ID and REGION where deploy the function
  • secrets: in stack.yml, under function secrets key set <secret_name> secret representing the json key file of the service account which has all the permissions you need to call the function (that you have to create with faas-cli secret create <secret_name> --from-file=/path/to/file/sa-key.json)


  • description: same as gcloud compute instances list command. Optionally, it can send the output as a message to a Slack Channel.
  • request: Json body to pass to function can have these values:.
      "projectId": "functest-307416", // project id where VMs reside, mandatory
      "region": "us-central1", // region where VMs reside, mandatory
      "jsonKeyPath": "/path/to/key.json", 
      "slackToken": "xoxp-123456789012-123456789012-123456789012-1234567890121234567890127asd5ff",
      "slackChannel": "C123TESTCH1",
      "slackEmoji": ":fidget_spinner:" 
    For sending Slack message Content-Type header must be set to text/plain. Content-Type header can be text/plain or application/json.
  • response: list every VM in the GCP project defined in PROJECT_ID.
  • env_vars: n stack.yml, under function environment key, set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS if needed, otherwise use jsonKeyPath value in json request body.
  • secrets: in stack.yml, under function secrets key set <secret_name> secret representing the json key file of the service account which has all the permissions you need to call the function (that you have to create with faas-cli secret create <secret_name> --from-file=/path/to/file/sa-key.json)


  • description: same as gsutil mb command. Optionally, it can send the response as a message to a Slack Channel.
  • request: Json body to pass to function can have these values:
      "name": "my-bucket", // bucket name, MANDATORY
      "location": "us", // default us
      "locationType": "regional", 
      "storageClass": "Standard", // default Standard
      "uniformBucketLevelAccess": false, // bool, default false
      "versioningEnabled": false, // bool, default false
      "labels": {
        "testkey": "testvalue"
      "jsonKeyPath": "/path/to/key.json",
      "slackToken" : "",
      "slackChannel" : "",
      "slackEmoji" : ""
    Json key file is read from GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS first, then from jsonKeyPath, otherwise it gets IAM permissions from attached service account. For sending Slack message (after bucket is created) slackToken and slackChannel must be present.
    • response: In case of 200, with application/json header boddy will have name, project, gs Uri and Cloud console URI, with text/plain a confirmation message.
  • env_vars: in stack.yml, under function environment key, set PROJECT_ID and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS if needed, where deploy the function (those are mandatory).
  • secrets: in stack.yml, under function secrets key set <secret_name> secret representing the json key file of the service account which has all the permissions you need to call the function (that you have to create with faas-cli secret create <secret_name> --from-file=/path/to/file/sa-key.json)

gcs-cp-bucket (every object in it)

  • description: same as gsutil cp command, but it will do it for every object inside the bucket. Useful to copy objects between buckets. Optionally, it can send the response as a message to a Slack Channel.
  • request: Json body to pass to function can have these values:
      "srcBucket": "my-bucket", // bucket name to copy object from, MANDATORY
      "dstBucket": "my-project-id", // bucket name to copy object to, MANDATORY
      "jsonKeyPath": "/path/to/key.json",
      "slackToken" : "",
      "slackChannel" : "",
      "slackEmoji" : ""
    Json key file is read from GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS first, then from jsonKeyPath, otherwise it gets IAM permissions from attached service account. For sending Slack message (after bucket is created) slackToken and slackChannel must be present.
    • response: In case of 200, with application/json header the body will have name and project id, with text/plain there will be a confirmation message.
  • env_vars: in stack.yml, under function environment key, set PROJECT_ID and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS if needed, where deploy the function (those are mandatory).
  • secrets: in stack.yml, under function secrets key set <secret_name> secret representing the json key file of the service account which has all the permissions you need to call the function (that you have to create with faas-cli secret create <secret_name> --from-file=/path/to/file/sa-key.json)


  • description: same as gsutil rb command. Optionally, it can send the response as a message to a Slack Channel.
  • request: Json body to pass to function can have these values:
      "name": "my-bucket", // bucket name, MANDATORY
      "projectId": "my-project-id", // gcp project id name, MANDATORY
      "jsonKeyPath": "/path/to/key.json",
      "slackToken" : "",
      "slackChannel" : "",
      "slackEmoji" : ""
    Json key file is read from GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS first, then from jsonKeyPath, otherwise it gets IAM permissions from attached service account. For sending Slack message (after bucket is created) slackToken and slackChannel must be present.
    • response: In case of 200, with application/json header the body will have name and project id, with text/plain there will be a confirmation message.
  • env_vars: in stack.yml, under function environment key, set PROJECT_ID and GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS if needed, where deploy the function (those are mandatory).
  • secrets: in stack.yml, under function secrets key set <secret_name> secret representing the json key file of the service account which has all the permissions you need to call the function (that you have to create with faas-cli secret create <secret_name> --from-file=/path/to/file/sa-key.json)

Hashicorp Vault


  • description: same as vault status command
  • request: body: {"endpoint":"https://vault-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as vault command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as vault kv get command
  • request: body: {"token":"s.4w0nd3rfu1t0k3n","endpoint":"https://vault-endpoint.example","path":"secret/data/test","data":{"foo":"bar"}}, data can be empty, path needs data subpath at the moment.
  • response: same as vault command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as vault kv put command
  • request: body: {"token":"s.4w0nd3rfu1t0k3n","endpoint":"https://vault-endpoint.example","path":"secret/data/test","data":{"foo":"bar"}}, data can not be empty, path needs data subpath at the moment.
  • response: same as vault command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as vault transit command, it can encrypt, decrypt, rewrap, rotate and create new key.
  • request: body: {"token":"s.4w0nd3rfu1t0k3n","endpoint":"https://vault-endpoint.example","path":"transit/encrypt/testkey","data":{"plaintext":"Zm9vYmFy"}}, data could be empty only if path is not meant for rewrap, rotate or create new key.
  • response: same as vault command, content-type could be json (in case of encrypt, decrypt and rewrap only) and text/plain

Hashicorp Consul


  • description: same of consul catalog services command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://consul-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as consul command but with -tag option enabled, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same of consul members command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://consul-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as consul command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as consul operator raft list-peers command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://consul-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as consul command, content-type could be json and text/plain

Hashicorp Nomad


  • description: same as nomad job status command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://nomad-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as nomad command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as nomad node status command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://nomad-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as nomad command, content-type could be json and text/plain


  • description: same as nomad server members command
  • request: body: {"token":"12345678-1111-2222-3333-a6a53hfd8k1j","endpoint":"https://nomad-endpoint.example"}
  • response: same as nomad command, content-type could be json and text/plain

Slack functions


  • description: send a message to a Slack channel
  • request: body: {"token":"xoxp-123456789012-123456789012-123456789012-1234567890121234567890127asd5ff","message":"Hello world","channel":"C123TESTCH1"}
  • response: it will logs both message sent positively or not