
We are thrilled to announce an exciting evolution in our hackathon day, a cornerstone of the SWAT4HCLS event. Traditionally, our participants have gathered on the last day in an unconference format to delve into hacking, discussions, and drafting new project proposals and research papers. Building on last year's collaboration with the renowned BioHackathon – an event with its roots in Japan and now celebrated globally, including significant editions like the Elixir BioHackathon – we are deepening our alignment.

Our audience has consistently shown interest in SWAT4HCLS conferences and various biohackathons worldwide. This shared enthusiasm has been evident in recent research papers where authors have credited both SWAT4HCLS and the Biohackathon(s). Acknowledging this, and reflecting the spirit of biohackathons, we transitioned last year to naming our hackathon day as Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS.

This year, we are taking another exciting step forward. While the last day remains dedicated to the hackathon, we will be extending the Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS experience throughout the event. By offering a dedicated biohackathon space on the preceding days, participants can delve deeper into their hack projects, culminating in the presentations that traditionally close the SWAT4HCLS event. Join us in this enriched experience and dive deeper into innovation and collaboration!

Call for Project Proposals for Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS!

As we embark on this extended journey of the Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS, we invite all enthusiastic researchers, developers, and innovators to submit their project proposals. This is a golden opportunity to bring your ideas to the forefront, collaborate with like-minded professionals, and work intensively to bring them to life during the biohackathon.

Whether you have a developing concept that needs refining, a challenge that requires collective brainstorming, or a mature idea ready for hands-on development, we want to hear from you. By submitting your proposal, you can harness the collective expertise and passion of the SWAT4HCLS community.

Submission Guidelines:

Provide a clear title for your project.

Offer a concise description of the problem or challenge you aim to address.

Outline the goals and expected outcomes of the project.

Mention any specific tools, technologies, or datasets you plan to use.

If possible, specify the ideal team size and any required expertise for collaborators.

The proposals will be featured during the biohackathon, providing teams ample time and space to work on them, leading to the grand showcase on the last day of SWAT4HCLS.

Don't miss out on this chance to shape the future of bioinformatics, healthcare research, agricultural research, biodiversity research and their integration with the semantic web. Submit your project proposal now and be a part of the groundbreaking Biohackathon-SWAT4HCLS!

For more details, visit SWAT4HCLS