how to avoid having a cyclic graph
khodor14 opened this issue · 3 comments
I'm using seqwish to construct a graph.
I used the commnad seqwish -s genomes.fa -p alignment.paf.gz -g graph.gfa
For genomes.fa
I tried with 11 ecoli genomes for the first test. For the second test I used a reference then I imposed SNPs different positions to get 10 mutated copies of the reference.
For the alignment, I'm using minimap2.
My issue is that in both cases the graph turned out to be cyclic.
I tried the option -r 1
but still getting cyclic graph.
Is there a way to avoid having cycles in the graph?
Thank you Erik for your quick reply.
Do you want to avoid all cycles?
I'm trying to align sequences using GraphChainer which does not accept cyclic graphs for the moment. So this why I'm trying to avoid cycles.
However for the test where I introduced SNPs to the genome, i believe that it doesn't make sense to get cycles (i don't know but i will verify with acyclic genomes).